
Ronde de nuit : Gedney

William Gedney - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1975 

"Still photography and poetry are very close. To capture in a single frame visual forms organized to the point where neither more or less are needed. The single moment when form and content are one. Poetry does the same with words with the same strictness and economy. The exact arrangement of words to produce the effect with no more words than are needed. Art is the seeming perfect blending of many elements to produce a whole."

William Gedney - Night, South Dakota, 1966 

"There are two ways of looking at a thing. Either you feel that a thing must be perfect before you present it to the public, or you are willing to let it go out even knowing that it is not perfect, because you are striving for something even beyond what you have achieved, but in struggling too hard for perfection you know that you may lose the very glimmer of life, the very spirit of the thing that you also know exists at a particular point in what you have done; and that to interfere with it would be to destroy that very living quality."

Entrées du Journal de William Gedney

 William Gedney - House with large front porch and a billboard in front at night, South Dakota, 1966

 William Gedney - Titre inconnu

William Gedney - Titre inconnu

Les archives Gedney à Duke University
Site de l'exposition de 2016 à New York
William Gedney sur ASX
A propos des photos des San Francisco Diggers par Gedney
Exposition Gedney en cours, au Pavillon populaire.

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