
Ciel... envisageons des scénarios

 Laurent Durieux - Perseus' Visitors, 2018, détail
Luke Kemp & alii - Climate endgame : exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios, PNAS (Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), vol. 119 n°34, 1er août 2022
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The characteristics and vulnerabilities of a modern globalized world where food and transport distribution systems can buffer against traumas will need to feature inwork on societal sensitivity. Such large, interconnected systems bring their own sources of fragility, particularly if networks are relatively homogeneous, with a few dominant nodes highly connected to everyone else. Other important modern-day vulnerabilities include the rapid spread of misinformation  and  disinformation. These epistemic risks are serious concerns for public health crises and have already hindered climate action. A high-level and simplified depiction of how risk cascades could unfold is provided in Fig. 3 :

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