
L'art de la cuisine : reversals and negation

Charles Ritchie - Kitchen with shadows and Reflections, 2017


Thoughts and dreams are often transcribed on the page in a private note hand, a channeling of my subconscious that heightens my engagement with the process. This writing is essential to my journals, also on view. (...)
Reversals and negation are important. I often rediscover the white of the page or obliterate and reconfigure an image by dry erasing, wetting and scrubbing with fine bristle brushes, and occasionally scratching, scraping and sanding.  My essential tool is sustained observation. I have worked in this room with these subjects for thirty-three years. For me, the pages combine looking, memory, association, accident, improvisation, and imagination into extended meditations on self and world. 

Charles Ritchie - 16 pages pour Bravinlee Programs, 7 septembre - 16 octobre 2017

Et de Charles Ritchie, déjà (avec un virus et du Piémont dedans).

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